This past Saturday was my husband's race at Platte. After having such a relaxing time their
last week, I made sure to be there for race day.
UP employee/friend of ours told me that
technically putting coins on railroads is illegal since the lines are private property...
but I had some change in my bag and just couldn't resist. Sorry for setting such a bad example for all of my young, impressionable blog readers!!
Since the race was four hours long I seized the opportunity to explore more of the park. Because of all of the rain we've had in Nebraska lately it was sometimes hard to know if a path was a real trail or just an area that was washed out.
My little ones always like it if I can find some snail shells for them, but the only ones I found were "occupied". At least I scored a turkey feather!
As for the actual race, my husband placed fourth with is really impressive because he was riding a cross bike for a mountain bike race. Trust me, this matters!
Oh, and one last thing! Today is our sixth wedding anniversary so happy anniversary Trav!